Meet Lisa Ammon - Director/Teacher

Music for Aardvarks in Long Island, Queens and Manhattan
I am SO excited to be expanding to Manhattan this spring, I can hardly believe my luck! I started out as a teacher in Westchester, then back to my home base as a licensee in Long Island and then to my old stomping ground in Queens.
I grew up not knowing if I wanted to be a performer or a teacher, and now I live in the best of both those worlds. I feel so blessed to be someone who gets to do what I love for a living. For years I did the whole NYC audition/waitress thing and it is crazy, grueling and pretty exciting (and heart breaking at the same time). But now, I get to sing everyday and I meet the most amazing children and families. The people in my classes change my life, they surround me with love and laughter all the time. I can't believe that the kids in my first Aardvarks classes are teenagers already! Time has flown by while I have been busy singing Taxi and making memories at birthday parties, communions, baby namings, bbqs and in the best music classes around!
I tell people all the time, I'm not teaching your child music at 1 and 2 years old, I am exposing them to live music, and it is quite the honor to do so.
When not teaching Aardvarks my two kids keep me crazy busy with sports and of course, theater! Sometimes you'll see them pop up at a class with me. They're also both bilingual in French and English, so that's pretty cool. Maybe one day I'll have a bilingual Aardvarks!
When I grow up :) I may want to go back to my first dream of performing on Broadway, but for now I'm happy to sing on my little stages all over Long Island, Queens and Manhattan teaching Music for Aardvarks. That's one habit I won't break anytime soon!
For more info: Long Island and Queens, click here. Manhattan, click here.
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