Meet Lindsay Smith - Director/Teacher

Music for Aardvarks, San Francisco
I love music, socks, and polar bears in that order. Trombone was the first instrument I got my hands on and I've never let go! Currently I play trombone and sing in a swing/punk band called Van Goat (we're very silly). Guitar came into the picture for me about seven years ago, and along with it, songwriting. I released my first solo album, Hold Steady in February 2019 so if you see Lindsay Alexis out there -that's me!
One of my favorite groups to have played in was the Pasadena Youth Symphony Orchestra. Classical music holds a special place in my heart. There is nothing like being a part of a large number of people focusing on one piece of music, losing yourself in the music, and yet still maintaining individuality by providing your own unique sound. I truly hope everyone gets to experience that feeling in some way or other. Knee high socks, toe socks, striped socks, sloth socks, you name it I've probably got it. My nickname as a kid was Lindsay Longsocks and some of my friends still call me that :)
Now that I've dived into Music for Aardvarks and Other Mammals I have a new thing to add to my list! I love this program. It's amazing to watch kids go from crawling, to clapping, to walking, to dancing and expressing themselves through music. Taking over the San Francisco branch is a dream come true. We just landed a new location in Oakland and are looking to expand into Berkeley! When I was just getting out of college I used to joke that I would take over the world with music. Don't worry, I promise to use my powers for good, and I'm not going to take over the world -just the Bay Area...for now!
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