Meet Kat De Bari - Director/Teacher

Music for Aardvarks, Maplewood NJ
Hello! I am a somewhat wacky, inconsistently sophisticated, possibly irreverent but astoundingly musical human who was born and raised in New York City and moved 6 years ago with my then 2 year old daughter and 6 month son to this artsy little enclave known to city folk as "Park Slope West".
I have always made music, in fact, just this weekend, I was unearthing a bunch of boxes that had been collecting dust in the attic, and found that among the old photos, broken junk jewelry, dried rose petal dust, pipe organ parts from my old job as an organ restorer that I used to make tiny sculptures out of, newspaper wrapped ceramic knick knacks that lived in a diorama I’d created in an old Brooklyn prewar apartment kitchen telephone nook, and assorted other cherished unnecessary memorabilia, was a huge box of pages and pages and books and books full of old lyrics and poems and chord progressions, and a box of like 30 4-track cassettes made in my teens and twenties, which may or may not be salvageable. What ever happened to those many, many brilliant song sketches?? We will never know….fortunately, David Weinstone has done a better job of consolidating his collection!!
This is all to say, that music is just a huge part of my being, for better or worse, but finally, it’s really just for the better because, seriously, isn’t music the force that brings us all together?? This world needs it now more than ever. I feel so lucky to be able share my voice and guitar skills with amazing, enthusiastic, beautifully open hearted children through the songs of Aardvarks, which are simply put, awesome kids songs!!
Teaching these classes for the past 6 years has been incredible- easily the most gratifying job I’ve ever had, and one, which I believe, really makes the world, or my town at least, a better place. Music for Aardvarks songs encourage bravery, honesty, compassion, open mindedness, and individuality, to name a few, and the class structure nurtures teamwork, self-awareness, helpfulness, and sociality in the guise of fun funny kid friendly tunes. Ummm, not to mention melody, harmony and rhythm and all that. It also is super fun for grownups- after pretty much smiling straight for 45 minutes, I notice that everyone is in a better mood when class is over- we have all become a little freer and given up our self consciousness after engaging in dancing and singing together for a spell. There is nothing like the excitement of a kid bounding into our big class space ready to rock, and the big hugs I get when they leave. It’s the best.
In my spare time, I love to cook, play house in my house, do visual art, spend time with my hubs and kids, play with my Labradoodle, Willow, go to one of the handful of decent restaurants in town with good friends, and sing, write, and play gigs with my adult-y folk-rock band. I am so lucky to be the director of Maplewood Aardvarks, and can't wait to keep learning more from the kids I teach. Kids can sure teach us a lot about being human. Music is fun, everyone should do it. I am so happy I can be a part of helping make that happen for your little rock star!!
E: P: (917) 443-1771
Or visit the site for more info.